The Sir Cyril Newall New Zealand Collection

LOT 20

New Zealand Grand Lodge Masonic Regalia

An extensive collection of Masonic regalia, aprons, sashes, jewels and ephemera relating to Sir Cyril's tenure as Grand Master of New Zealand’s Grand Lodge during his period as Governor General.

Included in the lot are 5 aprons, 5 sashes, 4 silver and silver gilt jewels to include one for the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of England, two 9ct gold and enamel jewels, one marked 9c and XRF confirmed for Grand Lodge of New Zealand [48.88g gross], a further 9ct gold and enamel jewel for Royal Colonial Institute Lodge No 3556, marked for London 1939 [33.21g gross], a large gold plated Supreme Grand Chapter of R.A.M. of NZ jewel, many of these jewels with engraved details and a very interesting engraved wooden masonic gavel. Also included are a number of letters, books and other ephemera, many hand written notes about ceremonies etc.